PS It is now September 1999. And I have just finished my 10th DMPS treatment. Half way there. I have also started to get a special kind of acupuncture called N.A.E .T. ( Nanbutripad Allergy Elimination Treatment) This does not remove the Mercury but it stops the body from being sensitive to the mercury's toxic effects. It has helped me a lot. . I have been walking again , and even started to be able to play bass too!! As I find them, I will put links to N.A.E.T. on this site.
Kirk Remember I am not a doctor. I am just putting down the Information that I have accumulated over this year. A person identifying themselves as a member of the ADA threatened me to remove this page. I will not do that until I am made to by a
court injunction. Sounds to me like I may be on to something that is not wanted out on the net. Update Hi It is August 2001 I know that I have not updated in a long time but if you are looking at this you may know how hard it is to
do just the simplest thing. Well I am still working at it, getting well that is.But I have actually felt almost normal for about 10 days now. I forgot what that was like. You wonder "Do I really feel better or am I just used to being in pain and feeling Bad all the time. Did I get used to feeling bad " I have been getting a few emails
from people across the country and Europe too. I thank you for reading my story .. But there is so much more to tell everyone. Some day I will post it. Mostly it is from people that have been Ill for a long time too. Some worse than others. It breaks my heart, I wish there was something that could help everyone. It just takes constant searching and believing in ones self. That this is not in your
imagination. And there are tests to prove it. Just finding the right doctor to do the right test is the hardest problem. I have found that NAET helped me a little, But did not hold, Not that it will be that way for everyone .. but that is the way it turned out for me. I have found a great Nutritionist that has
helped me a lot. My immune system was wrecked by the mercury and for whatever reason I became sensitive to almost every food. And I love to eat. Especially Italian food. I have been cleansing my body spiritually and physically. Colonics have helped me , also manual Lymphatic drainage, with eating as much live food like veggies and Juicing. If you have a Candida problem like a
lot of mercury toxic people do, be careful of juicing too much. The high sugar content of juiced Veggies will only make the Candida thrive. I will try to update this more often than every two years. But I actually feel Ok today and I want to go for a walk. I could not even think that two years ago. But I am doing it now. And I
pray that it stays and I only get better everyday. Dec.2001 Many of you that have come to this page have found it due to a health related issue that has been unable to be explained by modern medicine. It has happened to me and the emotional stress and financial stress can be absolutely unbearable at times. I personally believe in the power of prayer and Jesus of the Holy Trinity. A website that has helped me with my search for physical as well as spirtual healing is I believe that spiritual healing must come before the Physical healing can come.
It is all intertwined with one another. Please feel free to write me. I always try to get back in a timely manner. May 2002 Thank God that I have been feeling OK these past few weeks. Part of my treatments over the past few years have been quite different than what I would call normal. The doctors where not able to help me with my health but were only able to diagnose and give the symptoms a name or
a diseases name. The rheumatologist said he thought that I had a very high RF of 40 and that I should take NSAIDS. That will not cure the problem I thought. The Neurologist put me on Steroids for a while and that only seemed to make me feel even worse. That will not cure you. It only covers the symptoms from what I have learned. And you will only get worse. I have never seen a doctor cure someone of a
disease, only blast it into remission or cover the symptoms with drugs. But never get to what caused the disease. Why it happened. Diseases just do not happen. Something triggers it. If you look deep enough and are honest enough , you can find the underlying cause. Everything has a cause and reaction. I chose to heal my own body the natural way with some help from the Docs. I had to get all the toxins out. Remove the metal. And cleanse my organs so that they can do what they are supposed to do. Support life in my body. I am still working at it and it is a life style change for me. My D.O. put me on long term antibiotics which is not a natural way but that is the only drug help that I had. He found that people with CFS or
CFIDS may have a Bacterial attack that's not detected by normal methods. So I was on Doxycyclene for almost a year and then Biaxin for about two months. I had to supplement with allot of acidophilous to help prevent Candida build up. I have been recently doing Ozone Spa treatments and that has helped greatly in my mobility. My liver was trashed from all the mercury and I believe that the Ozone treatments
helped clean it and allow me to process the toxins more easily. During my heavy metal blood level tests Uranium was found too. I have no idea how I got that. That is what I get for living in New York City for 38 years.. hahah So as I said this has been a good week or two. The best that I have felt in years. One doctor told me that you can not get better from the things that I have going on. I hope to prove
that he is incorrect and that we can heal our bodies with Gods help. Water, Water, Water... we need lots of the pure stuff. And I try to eat Organic foods and Organic Raw vegesas much as possible. Our cell
mitochondria need enzymes for cellular growth and cooked foods have all their enzymes killed in the cooking process. So I have been trying to eat Raw a much as my taste buds allow me to. "Desperate times need desperate action." So a life style change is in need. I will ad to this as time goes on. Thank you, |